Ace of Swords.

You are being encouraged this month to trust yourself.If you’ve been second guessing yourself based on the beliefs and opinions of others, now is the time to come back to your heart.You know what is best for you. The Ace of Swords brings you a clarity of thought that allows you to cut through all the noise and see the truth of the situation that you find yourself in. You are the leader of your own life.You get to call the shots.You have full permission to make any decisions and changes based on what feels right for you. The more you trust in yourself and your own judgment, the more easily the Universe can get to work in supporting you.Sometimes a change or situation is not yet ready to unfold. In this case it doesn’t mean you don’t have a choice to make. It simply means you have the choice to be patient and wait calmly, or you can choose to push and fight in a state of panic and lack of faith. Which will you choose for yourself at this time? Where are you holding yourself back based on the opinion of someone else?What are you not doing in your life because of the fear that someone will judge you? The truth is, others will always have opinions and judgements – no matter how hard we try to impress and please them. A whole lot of energy can be wasted on trying to do what you think others expect of you. When you call back your power, and honour the clarity that exists (maybe deep in the back) of your mind, you will always make the right choice for yourself.And the right choice for you is ALWAYS the right choice for everyone else. Even if in the moment it might not feel that way, or you feel responsible for someone else’s experience, it’s important that you trust the inner guidance you receive. It is not your job to assume what is best for another person.

It is your job to honour your own truth.It is your job to act with love and compassion.It is your job to take responsibility for your own happiness. When you act from a place of self responsibility and love, it is so much easier to navigate the right choices in your life and to trust that ultimately, your choices will be of benefit to those around you. Consider, right at this moment – What do I know to be true for me?Where do I need to take action?Where do I need to be more patient? What unhelpful thoughts do I need to let go of in order to make these changes or to have more patience? Stand in your power this month as you remember that you always know what is best for you.xx

Card deck: The Wandering Tarot by Cat Pierce

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