Two of Disks

The Two of Disks is more commonly known as the Two of Pentacles in the world of the tarot. Traditionally this card represents a balance between material aspects of your world.Tuning into the energy of this month, the message of the Spring Equinox is reinforced.It is time to focus on balance. In the image of the card you will see a yin and yang symbol, which represents the need for balance and harmony in your world. An ongoing cycle that is never complete, it is simply the nature of being a human. The thing with the yin and yang is that it’s not a circle full of all easy, happy things – it is a true balance. A balance of both the things you perceive to be “positive” and “good”, alongside the things that you may deem as “negative” or “bad. In reality, you need a bit of both in your life. Nature shows us that. It brings you the bright, blazing sun to light up your day, where you can take action and get things done. Followed reliably by the dark moonlit night, a time for peace, rest and solitude.If you dip too deeply into one without a good dose of the other you find yourself falling out of balance.You may experience illness, which is just the body’s way of managing inner disharmony. Too much solitude and you may tend towards depression and feelings of malaise, too much activity and you burn out and lack tolerance for others. The invitation this month is to look to where you can find more balance in your life. Too much spending and not enough saving? Or have you been overly frugal and not allowed yourself to have some fun?Too much indulgence in foods that you know make hard work for your body? Or has your discipline been over the top and not allowing moments of pleasure in your day? Observe every aspect of your life through this lens and see where you can invite a little more balance into your life. Most likely, when I mention this, you’ll have an instinct or impulse as to what part of your life this relates to the most. Start there. Look for the little ways you can encourage space for both polarities in your life, because the truth is, nothing is fully good or bad. There’s always a bit of both, even if it tends to one side more than the other. The more you embrace this nuance in your life, the more you will feel fulfilled by the choices you make and the actions you take. With love xx Card deck: The Luna Sol Tarot by Darren Shill and Mike Medaglia

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