Self Expression

The message for this month is direct and clear – “Say what you mean.”Initially that might feel like an obvious thing to do, but in reality, how often do you actually say the exact thing that you mean?Often words are coated with feathers to soften the blow, or dipped in honey to make them sound sweeter. Sometimes you are too afraid to say what you actually mean because of the fear of rejection or repercussion. You tightrope walk around the edge of what you mean and deliver it diluted. You leave room to say “That’s not what I meant” or “I was just kidding” if your words didn’t elicit the response you had hoped for. This can leave you feeling frustrated, misunderstood or without your needs being met. This month you are being encouraged to go out on that vocal limb, to own your words and to stand by what you’ve said.Be brave. Ask for what you want. Tell them what you think. Say yes when something is a yes, and no when something is a no. Say “I don’t know” when the truth is that you just don’t know. As much as possible, communicate through your physical voice instead of emails and texts .Sing aloud songs with lyrics that are meaningful to you. Read out poetry from people you love. Allow the power and medicine of your voice in the world. If the idea of speaking your truth feels confronting, or brings up a tightness in your throat or chest – just start there. Start by acknowledging the sensation and asking it what it needs.Do you need to regulate yourself first? Do you need to take a deep slow breath, do you need to cry, do you need to shake your body?If speaking words to others just feels way too hard, begin by speaking words aloud to yourself. Speak the truths that you feel to yourself if not anyone else. And if, instead, you feel a bubbling or pulsating surging, maybe you are ready for those words to tumble eloquently from your mouth with all the power they deserve. Your spirit deserves to be heard. Your voice, your truth. Your perspective matters. Perhaps you are ready to leave your mark on the world after all. xxCard deck: Chakra Insight Oracle by Caryn Sangster

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