What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle healing that restores the energy levels in the body and stimulates your own body’s mechanisms to heal. It’s a relaxing, nurturing time for you to unwind and let your mind, body and soul connect.

If you’ve ever used the sayings “I’ve run out of energy” or “I just don’t have the energy right now” then you are referring to the system of energy that our bodies run on. When we don’t have enough energy we feel run down and often a little under the weather. When our energy levels are right we feel “full of energy” and ready to enjoy our lives.

Receiving a Reiki is the human equivalent to going to the petrol station to fill up your car. Reiki is a gentle hands on approach where energy is guided into your system to stimulate the healing of cells and the body more broadly.

Who is Reiki for?

Everyone can benefit from receiving Reiki, but those who seem to experience the most instant, tangible relief are people who are suffering from stress. Stress has become a common complaint in our modern lives but is not something that we have to accept as the ‘norm’.

Stress can become so distracting that we are prevented from being able to make clear choices in line with our heart.

During a Reiki you will find yourself unwinding and releasing stress immediately, with the benefits lasting well after you leave. The environment created for you is peaceful and nurturing – you are given the space and time to properly relax.

Why does Reiki help with stress?

Often when you come for a Reiki, if you are stressed, your Sympathetic Nervous System will be running the show. This state tells your body that you must remain on high alert which over time can be incredibly depleting and absolutely exhausting.

Reiki brings the body into a state of deep calm, signalling to the body that it is safe to relax. This state of deep relaxation switches over and activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System, otherwise known as the “Rest & Repair” state.

When you are in Rest & Repair the body directs its energy towards healing the body and bringing all the functions back into balance. It’s also why you might notice your tummy getting loud and gurgly during a session!

See the video below for a more detailed explanation.

Book a session with Erin.