The Emperor

This month you are being encouraged to step into your power. If life has felt like it has been running away from you, now is the time to pull on the reins and get things back into your control. There are lots of little things that you can do to help yourself feel a greater sense of peace and calm, including putting loving energy into the spaces you spend the most of your time in.Whether it’s a work desk, your home, your car or your bedroom – putting a little effort into making it feel alive and nourishing for yourself will make the world of difference.Have a think about where those areas in your life are that you have neglected things, and allowed things to become somewhat “overgrown”.Take a second to tune in and think about that now. How can you breathe life back into those spaces to give yourself the vitality and clarity that you crave? Finally take those old clothes to the op shop, tidy up that dusty corner and throw those bits of rubbish out of the console of your car.Whether those examples are accurate for you or not, I’m sure you can easily see what the version is for yourself.It might not sound super spiritual or glamourous, but honouring the spaces that you exist in helps you to create an internal and external vibrational match.If you want to feel clear, calm and inspired on the inside, then it makes sense to ensure the places that you spend your most time in feel the same way. Once you have cleared the way out of some of these physical spaces, feel into what additions you might like to make to these spaces. How can you make your spaces feel more like the “you” that you are desiring to be?What reminders do you need to place into your visual field to enable yourself to stay clear on the life you are creating for yourself? The Emperor is reminding you that it’s important to take care of your world, because your world not only affects you, but also all the people around you.When you take responsibility for the spaces and places that you have access to, you create a greater sense of confidence and calm. Step into your power, take ownership of your spaces, and watch how that allows a greater flow of energy and joy into your life.Card deck: Silver Witch Tarot by Barbara Moore


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