
This month you are being invited to your emergence. The last few years of pushing, sometimes struggling, and growing have brought you to this wonderful moment in your life. Your emergence is a time for you to step fully into your true, authentic being. There’s nothing you need to do, other than to allow yourself to continue to follow the guidance of your heart, and the knowing of your deeper mind. Your deeper mind holds the wisdom of the Universe, and is the part of you that is able to see the chattering, noisy thoughts that fill your head and just let them drift by. It’s like having two friends that live inside your head. The youthful, energetic one who has a sense of urgency, pushes to get things done but also scares quite easily; and the wise elder, who doesn’t talk as often, but when they do you feel comforted by their words and trust in what they have to say. The reins are being handed over to the wise one at this time. Within the vastness of your deeper mind, the wise one knows what steps to take next, and it’s just a matter of asking the young one to stay quiet for a minute, so that you can hear the guidance that is being given to you. The wise one likes to talk to you when you are in your quiet moments. Their voice can be heard when you sit in nature, by a river, tree or stream. You can hear the wise one when you stare into the centre of a flower, or watch the dance of a flickering candle flame. The wise one likes calm and stillness before they tend to speak. The more you can create space for your wise one to speak, the more easily you will float into your emergence. Imaging this moment in your life as a time your soul has been waiting for. It is inevitable.The difference between having an awareness of your emergence, or not, is like a plane taking off. Working with the wise one of your deeper mind is akin to allowing for a smooth take off, the wheels leave the runway and you sail seamlessly into the sky. Resisting, or ignoring the guidance of the wise one, often results in one of those clunky takeoffs –  you’ll get there eventually, but you’ll probably encounter a few uncomfortable bumps and jolts along the way. Gift yourself the grace of an easeful emergence by creating time for stillness this month. The world is waiting to see the true beauty of the essence of your soul.It’s time. xx

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