Embrace the flow.

As Lao Tzu said, “The best way to live is to be like water.And what does water want to do? It wants to flow. This month you are being encouraged to go with the flow that presents itself in your life. There is magic afoot and if you open yourself up to it, wonderful things are possible. Allow yourself to view the world through the lens of a child, taking in every moment as a new opportunity and a chance to explore. Feel into where the Universe is presenting opportunities in your life and free yourself up from the noise in your head to give yourself permission to follow them.This one, beautiful life you have is entirely yours.What choices can you make today that will allow you to live your life with more peace, harmony and joy? Perhaps there’s an old grudge you’ve been holding onto that it could be time to let go. Or there’s an invitation that’s been presented to you through either a person or situation that you’ve held off saying “yes” to even though your heart gets excited when you think about it.What if you stopped resisting life and allowed things to flow? What a relief it would be to stop trying to hold up the old way of being and give into the opportunities that are waiting for you. Tune into your inner child – what is she asking you to do? Right here, in this moment, take three slow deep breaths.Really release on the exhale and allow your shoulders and jaw to soften. Ask yourself this question –What is the opportunity that I’m ready to take? Be open and non judgemental to whatever comes through. It may be a thought, a word or an image. Even if it seems unexpected or strange, honour it and acknowledge the guidance that you have received.Allow yourself to move into a state of flow this month and see what comes your way.There is magic afoot, I tell you.xx

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