Four of Swords

The card of the Four of Swords is reminding you to make time for some calm in your mind.It’s a reminder that when you feel overwhelmed, confused or a little out of sorts, it’s time to be still and find that quiet place within yourself.It doesn’t need to be formal or complicated. You can choose whatever way that works for you to be present with yourself.Maybe it’s a nice walk in nature where you can listen to the ocean, or in the bush where you can hear the breeze dancing through the trees. Maybe it’s going for a swim and letting the water roll and swirl over your limbs, or having a warm bath as you sip on a yummy cup of tea. While you are still in the season of Winter, it is the perfect time to think about where you would like your life to grow, and how you could start to feed those dreams. Are you open to taking yourself into this place of internal stillness? Quiet time, without stimulation, can feel even noisier at first as all the thoughts that you’ve been suppressing come to the surface. They might feel clunky and demanding, and that being there with them is serving no good at all.Try to be patient with them. Observe your thoughts like you would a classroom of noisy and hungry 5 year old children.“I want this now!! Listen to me”“No, listen to me, I’m the most important!!”“I’m so angry! I’m so sad! Everything is all wrong!”Listen to them all with compassion.Hear what they are saying, but don’t personalise their words.Imagine yourself giving each one a cuddle and letting them know that they are heard.

Thank them for sharing their truth.Then breathe them away.

Let them go. As all the noisy, hungry voices are fed and heard, begin to take your awareness around the rest of your internal space. What are the other things you observe there?Are there quieter voices than you haven’t heard before?Insights, or words of wisdom that encourage you to try something new.Just keep observing. This gentle practice of observation and non judgment is all that meditation is. Being aware then letting things go. See if you can offer yourself this space throughout the month and be open to any changes it might bring. 


Card deck: The Wandering Star Tarot by Cat Pierce

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