7 of Pentacles

We have passed through the threshold of the Autumn Equinox, which means a time for the final harvest, and an acknowledgment of all that you have done over these last few months.As the seasons shift, you may feel naturally more introspective and internally focused. This is the perfect time for you to look back and reflect upon how far you have come, and to gather up all the knowledge you have gained through your experiences over Summer. What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about others? Imagining yourself like a vegetable garden, consider what parts of yourself are you ready to let go of. Where can you pull out old, decaying plants that will no longer bear fruit?What seeds do you want to gather up, to re-plant over Winter so they are ready to germinate and grow next Spring? By taking stock of your life over the last few months, you are able to get a clearer picture of the things that might be holding you back, the things you want to bring more of into your life, and what you need to do to get there. Each season brings with it wisdom and gifts. Use that insight to help you bring more of what you want into your life. By lovingly releasing the season just gone, and using the energy of the season present, you align yourself more clearly with the cycles of nature. The same cycles of creation that your life is built upon. Befriend the natural world this month, and allow it to help you conjure up the life you’ve been dreaming of. With love,xxCard deck: Silver Witch Tarot by Barbara Moore


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