Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles is here today to remind you to be of service.

You have an innate knowing within you that is ready to be shared with the world. 

Think of it like a philosophy or belief that you live your life by.

What is your view of the world?

Perhaps you believe in acting with kindness, or that humor brings joy to the world.

Or maybe you believe gratitude cultivates happiness, or that giving to others is the key to joy.

This lens through which you see the world, it’s not incidental. 

This, my friend, is your purpose. 

The world needs your wisdom now, and it is through this offering of your knowing that you will gain deeper satisfaction in your life.

Don’t underestimate the power that comes from stepping into your truth and letting it be known in the world.

We have all been encoded with a unique blueprint to express during our time here on Earth. 

That includes you.

Sometimes it’s easy to think, “Everyone else has a purpose, but I lucked out from getting one.

That doubt is a cheeky illusion.
It’s a symptom of our culture and your overthinking mind.

Like Rafiki in The Lion King, Spirit is bopping you on your head saying,
Correction! YOU are the purpose.

Your purpose is quite simply your expression of your authentic self.

Take some time this month to think about the things that you naturally love to do.

Now think about what those things bring out in you – is it peace, joy, humility…

Living from this place, and doing things that cultivate this within you is your purpose.

Share your loving beliefs with the world. This is your act of service.

You are ready.

And remember, it’s nothing more than just you being you.


Card deck> Morgan-Greer Tarot

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