As we draw closer to the end of the year it’s easy to get swept up in the busyness and festivities that are going on around you. There is so much fun to be had celebrating with those that you love.

The message for you this month is to remain focused on what it is that you want to create.

Outside of the winding down, the partying and preparing for any special holidays like Christmas that you celebrate, be sure to remember that those things you have been working towards all year still need your love and attention.

Having a clear endeavor means to ensure that your purpose remains present.

You have spent far too much time building and supporting your dreams to let them go without nourishment. They have depended on your love and dedication up to this point in order to survive. Don’t abandon them now.

It’s not to say you don’t deserve to kick back and relax – of course you do!

It’s just about keeping those things that are sacred and special to you in the forefront of your mind.

Use your downtime to creatively call into your life your dreams.

Work hard in your relaxation, if you will.

How does this work?

It’s simple really….


When I say daydream I mean the kind of dreaming that allows you to fully embody the vision of your wish.

In your mind’s eye see every teeny tiny detail.

Where are you?

What does it look like?

Who is there with you?

Who is not there with you?

How does that make you feel?

Tweak and re-adjust your picture until the emotions it evokes are ones of joy, love, excitement and appreciation.

Wayne Dyer talked about the importance of your pre sleep state in manifesting into reality your dreams.

When you sleep you fall into the deep and complex space of the unconscious mind where your beliefs are programmed and where your energetic relationship with the external world is super strong.

It is in this space that you do your best creating – provided, that is, that the programming is correct.

If you fall asleep with thoughts in your head of stress and panic, which is mirrored by your emotional state, then the unconscious mind gets a handover message from the conscious mind that you want to focus on stress and panic for the next 8 or so hours.

So that’s what it does.

It continues your programmed patterns around stressful and unpleasant situations and guess what happens?

When you wake up in the morning more of those stressful situations reveal themselves in your life.

Not exactly ideal, huh?

Wonderfully, you are in a position of choice.

You get to choose what the program is that you handover to the powerful unconscious mind.

Let’s call it Twilight Dreaming.

The space between being awake and properly falling asleep.

For this month gift yourself the experience of focusing your Twilight Dreaming moments on those wishes and desires that you hold for yourself, and like the vision above imagine and feel it with every detail and positive emotion possible.

Send yourself into a dreamstate that is full of gratitude and joy.

Where you know that your beautiful energetic being is masterfully pulling into reality those blissful experiences that you dream of.

Remember the Universe says, “Your wish is my command”

What are you going to spend your time and energy wishing for?

With so much love,

(Card deck: Nature’s Whispers Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield, Illustrated by Josephine Wall)

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One Comment

  1. Catriona August 18, 2023 at 8:07 pm - Reply

    Love this. Exactly what I needed to focus on this pre dream state x

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