8 of Chalices.

Observing the illustration of the 8 of Chalices, we see a young child resting peacefully at the base of a tree.They are being kept warm by the fire, and protected by the mother figure at their side.The moon hangs gently in the sky – not Dark nor Full – but in balance between the two, and the branch of the tree is outstretched like an arm of protection from above.Imagine yourself as this child. Now is your time for rest. The message of this card is that it is absolutely safe to do so at this time, for you are being watched over and protected from above as you give yourself the time and space you need. As the natural world around you begins to shift and change, you are being encouraged to take some time to go within and fill up your inner resources. The momentum of Summer with its quickened pace is coming to a close, and so you too can slow down and move into a state of ease. Take that longer bath, say ‘yes’ to a night in, and give yourself ample opportunity to quieten into your inner world for a little while. If there is an aspect of your life where you are feeling overwhelmed, disconnected or unsatisfied, use this time to tune into what you actually need.Are there some changes you need to make to ensure that you are living as harmoniously as you possibly can?  Is there something different that you could be doing that would bring more happiness and joy into your day? It may be the case that there are things throughout the month that you have committed to or that feel necessary to uphold.With that in mind, how can you create spaces of rest around these periods of busyness?As we approach the Autumn Equinox, the more balance you can create for yourself, the more in harmony you will feel in all aspects of your life.(In plain speak – make sure you get enough rest so that you don’t get forced to slow down with illness or burnout later down the track!) Move through this month with an intention of balance and ease and you will enjoy all the insights and benefits that this slowing down will bring. With love xx Card deck: Silver Witchcraft Tarot


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