Beyond Birthing

As you step through the portal of The Quickening, you have received the card of “Beyond Birth”.

The Quickening, as it is used in pregnancy terms, refers to the period of time when the baby’s movements begin to be felt in the womb. Flutters, tiny pulses or bubbles are the typical sensations someone will experience when they first start to feel their baby.

It is often at this point that the idea of having a baby becomes much more real.

Spirit has found the perfect way to deliver you their message this month, as they encourage you to not only be present with this current time of stirring, but to also look ahead at the next six months to imagine where you would like your life to be.

Much the same as the birth of a child, it is easy to focus on the birth itself as if it were the main event. Anyone who has given birth to a child will tell you, though, that the birth moment becomes a very small part of a much larger journey.

Taking some time this month to think about what you want your life to look like in February next year will help to inform the choices you make and the actions you take between now and then. 

Give yourself permission to imagine and dream, for now is the perfect time for seed planting – both metaphorically and literally. If you have a garden, imagine as you place the seeds into the earth that they also hold the intentions for your life. Plant them with the full belief that they will germinate and grow just like the plants.

As with all planting, there might be some soil preparation that needs to take place. Weeds may need to be removed and nourishment given to the earth. The same applies for you, removing any distracting, limiting or unhelpful thoughts, situations or people, and surrounding yourself with people who believe in you and things that you love. 

Literal home clear outs can be a great way to move this energy as well, by thoughtfully re-homing or disposing of the old to create space for the new.

Enjoy the dreaming this month, as you give yourself the time to welcome new ideas and possibilities into your world.


Card deck: Joyful Expectancy by Carina Glanville

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