Beautiful soul,

I hope this Monthly Message finds you at the time you most need it.

Before I launch into our message for this month I wanted to talk a little bit about how I do my readings for our Monthly Messages.

As many of you will know, most card decks come with a guide book that (often in a lot of detail) explains what each card is about. This is a fantastic way to get to know your cards or to provide a reading for yourself (or someone else) if you’re not feeling particularly confident about what you’re receiving.

I work a little differently to this when I am writing for our Message.

I create a very specific intention asking that my higher guidance provides us with the card that is of most benefit to those who choose to read this Monthly Message. In essence I am asking for a signpost, or a clue as to what we need to focus on for the month ahead.

When I receive our card I then tune into what my guidance is trying to tell us by selecting this particular card. So in this way the message that I write to you may be quite different to the one that is written in the guide book.

How can that be? Because I have set a very clear intention about how I want to work with this card and how my guidance will assist me in doing so.

If you’ve ever been to have a one on one session with me you will know that the card you receive at the end of your healing will have information that I pass on to you, but that it will also hold messages, signs or confirmation that only you will be able to see.

This is why I love working with cards so much!!

When we focus ourselves and respectfully ask to work with them in a certain way they can open up a whole world of insight for us.

Anyway! I thought you might like to know a little bit about the way things work behind the scenes.

So without further ado, here is your Monthly Message for March…

Erin xx

Spiritual Decree

Remember you came here for a reason.

When you find yourself judging yourself based on the fact that other people do things differently to you, or you feel as though you’re not brave enough to carve out a new path, remember that your existence here at this very time is deliberate.

Considering how utterly complicated and completely miraculous human life is, it’s incredible that we ever make it here at all.

Every moment, every cell division, every single step has to unfold perfectly in utero in order for a child to become and then enter into this world.

It’s an epic adventure.

So when we do get here you’d think we would be filled with more reverence for our existence. More celebratory at our own arrival.

But by the time we are old enough to conceive how wonderful our existence is we’ve already been swept up into the stories of our culture and society.

And sadly few of those stories remind us that we are an utterly epic, completely needed piece of Mother Nature’s life puzzle.

So that’s what we are being reminded today.

You came to be here for a reason.

It need not be overwhelming, or feel like a huge responsibility.

We’ve really just got one main task to do.

Be yourself.

Allow yourself the time and opportunity to really discover who you are and then live your life from this place.

Speak from the truth of your heart.

Act from the love that created you.

Be brave enough to go against the grain, to face the fear, to make the change – because those are all steps to you fulfilling your purpose here on this planet.

It’s no more complicated than that.

Find out what you love – then do it.

This month feel into the spaces in your heart that are yearning for more joy and go out and find it.

With love


(Card deck: Lightworker Oracle by Alana Fairchild)

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