Soul takeaways for February:
* Be kind to yourself
* Find your own pace
* Write your own rules
* Live authentically
Self Discovery * Authenticity * Being Whole
February is a month all about being forgiving, compassionate and loving to the self.
There are so many wonderful things for us to achieve this year, and it’s definitely a year to do it! As we go about turning our dreams into reality it is important that we do so from a place of loving, compassionate care.
Nothing that has to be done through aggression, panic or heartache is worth doing. This month is for getting real about where we are being too hard on ourselves, where we have been in the past and making the decision to stop that from continuing into our future.
Everything is possible.
There is time and space to do everything that you want to achieve.
Starting slowly and doing things in a considered and sustainable way will ensure that things fall into place further down the track.
It’s so easy to get swept into other people’s rush and to believe that all the things we have to do have to be done NOW.
This is simply not the case. It’s perceived.
It’s based on a bunch of things we tell ourselves about what’s important and how things are SUPPOSED to be done.
Can we just take “supposed to” and “should” out of our vocabulary for a little while? We deserve to give ourselves more power than that.
This month give yourself the permission, and power, to go at your own pace and to build your life step by step exactly how you want to.
And for the impatient pants out there? Take a breath. Sometimes impatience is just a sign that we’re afraid that if we don’t do it now it won’t last, or someone else will do it first, or when we get to it later we’ll no longer be deserving of it.
Let that go.
Remember that you are a perfect being who was perfectly created to be here right now doing exactly what you’re doing.
Take your foot off the pressure pedal for a bit. Give yourself some time to really sink into who you have become and who you continue to grow into being. It’s never too late and there will always be time.
That’s not an excuse to do nothing at all. Quite the opposite.
It’s a call to action to go deep and really connect with your spirit. To make choices and take actions that will get you closer to where you want to be, but in a realistic and manageable way. Being authentic in your actions and compassionate in your thinking.
“Beautiful one, you’ve have been called here on earth, at this exact time, to serve and provide all it is that you are to your fellow human kind, to nature and to the animals that are your kindred spirits. Please know that we are in no hurry. We urged you to move forward, but only at your own pace. We know that every step you take is one filled with courage and love and one that will bring you closer to where you need to be. Be brave but don’t be brash. Be bold but don’t be flat footed. Tread lightly as you go, for every step you take leaves an imprint on this precious earth and stamps your soul as a contributor to this place. You are needed here and you are loved. Never doubt that.”
Take some time this month to connect with the inner you.
To unlock and release the spirit within you that is here to serve and heal with your unique gifts to the world.
In doing this you will naturally unfold a path that gives you insight into where to go next and what choices to make.
With love,
(Card deck: Intuitive Soul Oracle Cards by Lisa Williams)
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