Hello lovely soul,
I’m sending so much love and peace into your heart this month. Soak it up and take it with you as you roll into August.
You might find things come to fruition a bit quicker than usual this month – so be conscious about what you wish for!
Have a beautiful month ahead,
Erin x
There is a lot of fragile energy in the world at the moment and it’s easy to see how you can fall into feeling unsure about the future.
Sekhmet comes to us today to reassure us that love will always prevail and that all the chaos that is being experienced in the world at this time is part of a bigger shift.
Sometimes everything needs to get thrown up in the air so that it can finally land back down in the right places.
It’s like The World is going through her Saturn Return.
And being the human kind that we are we’re stuck living in the midst of her confused, cosmic shift.
But we can make it easier for ourselves.
In each and every moment we are given a choice of love or fear.
That choice has an energetic ripple effect that surges out into the world.
Think about it like this –
If you imagine that we walk around each day with an invisible bubble around us that’s covered in a fine, powdery dust.
Now that dust can come in two flavours – fear or love.
There are plenty of other sub flavours like anger, depression, joy, but they always belong to one of these two groups above.
Either love or fear.
Now let’s pretend that the fear dust covering a bubble is murky in it’s colour, maybe like a dirty grey. It’s sticky and a bit prickly.
It doesn’t feel very nice to the touch.
But the love dust feels very different.
It’s light, and warm, and soft.
When it touches you it feels like being stroked with the softest feather you could ever imagine.
Like a warm powdery cuddle.
It comes in a peaceful pink.
If we’re walking around in our invisible bubble and we’re engaging in our day to day lives, it’s inevitable that at some point our powdery bubbles will bump into the powdery bubbles of others.
If my bubble bumps into yours and mine’s covered in love dust and yours is too, we’re all good. We just have a nice little exchange of love and our bubbles go on producing more of that love dust because that’s what it sees itself covered in.
We create more love.
But if I bump into you and my bubble is covered in fear dust you’re going to get a smear of that dust on your bubble.
It’ll probably feel a bit icky for you and will take you a minute to build back up the love dust around it.
It’s ok because it was just a smear so your bubble knows to keep producing love, but if every bubble you bumped into over the day was covered in fear dust by the end of the day your bubble might be so covered by other people’s fear dust that it begins to think that it should start producing fear dust instead.
So the next day you go out into the world and not only am I covered in fear dust, but you are too, and everyone you bump into now gets a smear of fear in place of where love used to be.
I know this is a lot of bubbling and dust, but do you get where I’m going with this?
Sometimes we think that as an individual our impact in the world is insignificant, or that there is nothing we can do to change the way the world is around us.
It’s so not true.
We get the opportunity every day to shift our world into a place more filled with love.
You can see it in your workplace, your local community areas, and now even more so in the online space.
When one person sends out the fear dust for all those who were balancing at the tipping point between love and fear suddenly they are knocked over into fear.
And so it goes.
But as it’s true for fear so it is the same for love.
For every person who is unsure, who doesn’t know whether it’s safe to believe that love will prevail, YOU ARE THE KEY.
Now that you’re aware of your bubble, you get to choose what kind of dust it produces.
Your choice of love encourages others to do the same.
Love breeds love.
When we speak from a place of love, when we make loving decisions and are brave enough to open up our hearts, we allow our love dust to creep into the lives of others.
It’s so, so simple but is more powerful than you can believe.
Whenever you are feeling at a loss as to how you can make a positive difference in your world remember this.
Love breeds love.
Spend a day testing it out.
For every person you interact with throughout the day consciously centre yourself in a place of love and peace.
Particularly pay attention to the people whose bubbles are covered in fear.
Allow your love bubble to go into overdrive so that you have more than enough to keep up your supply and plenty to share with others.
You might just be the difference to someone’s day.
Sending oodles and oodles of love dust your way.
Card deck image: The Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky