Sheila Na Gig – Opening
Soul takeaways for May:
* It is time to expand your comfort zone.
* Being truly open means being open to EVERYTHING.
* Relax your mind and try – you can always turn back if you need to.
* “Allow the life force within you to shift and create” – by opening we give way to all the possibilities.
“Allow the life force within you to shift and create.”
The first time I received this card I remember being confronted by the image that was before me. Sheila Na Gig is an ancient Irish goddess of life and death. Her figure is so worn and withered yet she sits with a defiant confidence and zest.
It is with her bold and daring life force that this month she brings the message to expand your comfort zone.
It’s time to open up to new things and be willing to explore.
There are many possible outcomes to the situations you are asking for help with. Your job is to be truly open to all these possibilities.
“I encourage you at this time to feel safe and protected enough to trust. When I guide you to do something new I do so in your best interest. It does not please me to see you suffer or hurt. I am here to guide you into the purpose of your soul.”
Often we say we are open to all the options but when it comes down to it we have a whole bunch of exclusions and criteria with which the solution has to match. That’s not being open. That is being open only to the extent with which our beliefs allow us to be.
If things confront and challenge you it is often a good indicator that growth is needed. Reflect upon your reactions and ask yourself what it is that is confronting you. Really dig down into it. Once you can find the limiting belief that is beneath it all you can relax into it and give yourself permission to try something new.
The mind can often be like a really conservative Grandmother – always thinking she knows best and never wanting to venture outside of her comfort zone to try something that is foreign to her.
Relax your mind by telling it that it’s just a little sample, and experiment if you will. If things don’t feel right after you’ve tried a new option then you can go back to the same patterns and solutions that you’ve used before. No problem.
In your openness you are giving the Universe permission to do it’s job.
You are allowing the energies at work to shift and shape things into the desired outcome for you.
You are allowing your mind to think new thoughts and thus create new pathways for growth.
(Card deck: The Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky)