Dream on, sweet child…
When did we start being taught that it was nonsense to daydream?
I’ve been really sitting with this question, and whilst there are obvious times in the chapters of your life where you were told to straighten up and concentrate, it seems like somewhere along the way, modern society as a whole has lost the ability to daydream.
Think of the people who still tend to your crops by hand – the people who pick the rice you eat, or leaves for your tea. Do you think they still daydream while they are picking the crops as part of their daily routine?
I believe they do.
And do you think that the women who weave textiles by hand in small villages that are largely disconnected from the outside world daydream?
I believe they do.
What’s my point?
My point is that modern life has been stuffed full of things to “concentrate” on that you have little space left in your day to dream. Or when you do, you focus it instead on a mundane event like watching tv as a way to calm your overstimulated mind.
It’s not your fault.
You’ve been trained into a way of being that has forgotten the merit of a good old daydream.
Daydreaming requires you to bring all conscious parts of yourself in, and from that place to imagine other possibilities for your world.
It allows you to conjure up new hope for yourself in situations and circumstances where previously you felt like there was no hope left.
Daydreaming opens the door for intuition and inspiration to quietly enter the space and begin to do their magic in your life.
In many ways, daydreaming is the ultimate act of creativity and manifestation.
When you know something is a dream you give yourself permission to take the driver’s seat, and to make adjustments to the scene according to your desire and will.
You believe in your own power and autonomy as you start to rearrange the characters around you, change the locations, and uplift yourself into a happier state of being.
Anything is possible in the realm in which you daydream.
Illnesses are healed, relationships are mended and things that will change the course of your life suddenly appear.
It’s an act of magic making, if you will. Even if it only lasts for the time you’re in your dream.
So this month, the invitation is there to reclaim the lost art of daydreaming for yourself.
Intentionally plan times throughout your day where, even just for a minute or two, you have full permission to switch everything off and take yourself somewhere you’d really like to be.
Maybe you could even try to do this for the whole month and see what happens?
Let me know if you do…
With love xx
Card imagery: Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish