Page of Cups.
In your fast paced world, with so much going on around you, it is easy to become reliant on things outside of yourself for joy and delight.
This month’s card is a reminder to tune into those things that innately make you happy. Whether it’s reading a good book, lying in the sunshine or chatting with a friend – reconnecting with the wholesome things that you can do to bring joy into your world will fill up your cup. Take some time to look at the image of this card. Here you see the Page of Cups holding a goblet with a fish splashing around inside it. When you are frantic, like this fish, you splash all of the water out of your cup and can begin to feel depleted and a bit lost. Sometimes this is unavoidable, as life has it’s demands, and you have things that need to get done. But this is where balance is the key. The Page in this image isn’t looking at the fish in her cup, and possibly doesn’t realise that it’s running out of water. Is this you? If you identify that you have been running yourself ragged, like this flippy floppy fish, it is now time to slow down, stop flapping around and give yourself the opportunity to top yourself up. The invitation here is to cultivate more magic and play in your life, to be your own bright spark and not rely on the artificial stimulus of the world around you. When you slow down for long enough to tune into your inner knowing, you know exactly what it is that you need to do. In fact, I bet you had an impulse, thought or image enter your mind just then? What was it? What was that thing that came to mind when I said you know exactly what it is that you need to do? Think about it for a minute. If it’s something that you feel resistance to, I invite you to gently explore why that might be. What beliefs do you have attached to doing this thing? What would it mean for you to do that? And how might it feel if you did take this action, and got to the other side? There is an open opportunity here this month for you to take a step forward towards a more balanced, happy and wholesome life. I am excited for you to take that step. xx Card deck: The Wandering Star Tarot by Cat Pierce