
Take this time to bring yourself back to the earth.

You were born into your human form from this place and this is where you will return.

Give thanks to nature and connect with this pure source of life.

All you have ever needed is within you.

You are cradled by the Great Mother herself. Held in her arms. 

You are safe. 

Let not the chaos of this world sweep you up and destroy you.

Bury deep into the ground that you know within you.

Weather the storm from this calm place and soon enough it will pass.


When you are feeling overwhelmed and ungrounded take yourself into this practice. 

You might like to read it first and then take yourself through the visualisation.

You can also listen to it here:

Just like the woman on the card, place yourself into child position with your knees underneath you as much as you comfortably can.

Place your Third Eye to the ground.

If you cannot reach the ground, place some pillows on the floor and allow your third eye to rest there.

Close your eyes.

Imagine threads of sparkling light weaving up into your Third Eye chakra. 

Activating and opening you to clear and pure vision.

Assisting you to see the truth in this time.

Imagine from your Base chakra (at the bottom of your spine) flexible but strong roots burying down into the ground. 

Holding you stable and secure.

Feel the deep wisdom and nourishment from the Earth pulsating up from the core and into your being.

Sink into the stillness.

Melt into the rhythm.

Feel this circular connection between you and the Great Mother. 

You are held.

She is nourishing you and protecting you from the storm.

Be still here with her and allow yourself to rejuvenate.

Breathe deeply and listen to her whispers. 

She is speaking to you.

What is she saying?

Be held in this safe space for as long as you need, and when you are ready return to a seated position, take some deep breaths and open your eyes.


Card deck: Lightworker Oracle by Alana Fairchild

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