I am aware that silence condones racist behaviour and therefore I issue this statement on anti-racism.

Please take some time to read it.

Anti-Racism Statement

I am committed to fostering a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for everyone.

I welcome all racial, ethnic, religious and/or cultural groups into my online space, and women from all racial, ethnic, religious and/or cultural groups into my physical clinic space.

I recognise that racism results in white privilege* of which I have been a beneficiary.

I take personal responsibility for eliminating racism**.

I will do this by:

Continuing to learn about the impact of racism and racial vilification, both in historical and contemporary times.

Educating myself and participating in workshops on intercultural awareness and anti-racism.

I will model inclusive and respectful language and behaviour, and where I see racist behaviour in my community I will call it out.

Racist behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in any of my spaces.

*White privilege (or white skin privilege) is the societal privilege that benefits people whom society identifies as white in some countries, beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances.


** The term ‘race’ is commonly understood as a way to group people by ethnicity, nationality, skin colour and ancestry as well cultural background and practices. While many people think of ‘race’ as a biological category there is no biological basis for the division of people along these lines, rather the term is socio-cultural construct used to differentiate, and to privilege, different groups of people.

Racism refers to the dislike, unfair treatment, harassment or vilification of another person or group of people on the basis of perceived difference and a belief that one group is inherently superior to another. Racism appears in social structures and practices that limit, exclude, oppress and discriminate against individuals and groups based on their perceived race. Racism often intersects with other forms of discrimination and vilification based on perceived difference such as culture or religion.

Racism may be found in the attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups as well as in organisational and institutional structures that privilege or provide opportunities to the dominant group and disadvantage other groups and individuals. Racism can be overt or covert, intentional or unintentional, conscious or unconscious. Racism impacts on the mental health of individuals and threatens the social cohesion of communities.
