I had a friend ask me recently for advice on smudging. Her parents were moving into a new apartment and felt that the energy from the previous owner was still in their space.
It’s not the first time I’ve been asked about smudging so I thought I’d pop it into a little post for you!
I’ll start by saying that there are some really specific smudging rituals out there based on ancient cultures and if that calls to you then you should definitely check it out more.
I find what is best and most effective for me is to perform smudging ceremonies that are in line with who I am.
So that is what I am going to encourage you to do.
Before you start you need something to smudge with.
White sage is the most common smudging herb to use due to it’s connection to spirit. I usually include some lavender as well as it feels calming and healing.
The easiest option is buying a pre-made smudge stick and you can pick them up at most new age stores and places like Ishka.
Alternatively you can make your own smudge stick or use loose herbs in a small ceramic bowl or plate. It’s kind of like the difference between burning an incense stick or loose incense – it’s up to your personal preference. Mostly I use a stick but if I’ve dried some herbs from our garden I will use those instead.
There’s something extra beautiful about cleansing with herbal medicine that you’ve grown with your own hands.
Drying your garden herbs is the easiest thing. Snip them off, place them in a bowl or tie them together with some string and leave them in a mild, dry place. After a week or two they should be brittle and perfect for burning.
Smoke is associated with the air element and therefore also the spirit. It is for this reason that we use smoke to clear unwanted, stagnant energy and purify a space.
The other tool you might like to use is a smudging fan. I have the most amazing one from Kambo Song – she creates fans out of driftwood, crystals and naturally released feathers. The girls have their own mini smudge fans as well. Sunday really loves smudging the house with me.
Smudge fans aren’t a necessity but you’ll probably find, especially if you use loose herbs, that you’ll want something to help direct and disperse the smoke.
A big single feather can work just fine and it’s always a nice reason to take a nature trip somewhere find yourself a beautiful one to use.
It’s really important that you can focus on what you’re doing when you smudge, so try to remove any distractions before you start. TV off, phone on silent etc. Also close any windows and doors.
Use a lighter or candle to light the end of your smudge stick. Wait until a portion of the herbs light up then blow them gently until the smoke starts to flow.
Take a few moments to ground and get centered.
Three deep breaths in and out.
Start with the room that feels right for you. You might want to start at the front door and move the energy through the house in a circle until you end up back at the front door. The overall idea is that the smoke is finally ushered out the front door as you might when you sweep the floor.
Now this is what I do when I smudge. You may choose to do something completely different or google something more specific. This is just what works for me.
Stand in the centre of the room and hold the smudge up to the sky.
With clear, grounded intention say out loud,
“I now release all negative, unwanted or no longer needed energy from this space. May this space be filled with love, harmony and peaceful energy. I ask for this space to be surrounded in joy and supported by the angels and universal loving energy. And so it is.”
Repeat this as many times as feels necessary.
Now walk the smoke around the room, outlining doorways and windows as you go. If there are items in the room that feel like they are holding stagnant energy focus the smoke there and state the clearing intention once again.
Follow this process in each room throughout the house.
Once the smudging is complete butt out the stick on your ceramic plate or bowl and empty the ashes out into your front garden.
Open up the windows to let the new, fresh air in.
This completes the smudging ceremony.
It’s always nice after a smudging to bring some new energy into the home.
You might feel yourself called to pick some fresh flowers or do a bit of rearranging. You never know what the new energy will bring!
Happy smudging.
Erin xx