Hi, I’m Erin.
I’m passionate about helping women to create balance between life’s everyday necessities and connection to something greater.
For over a decade I have been working with Reiki to bring comfort, clarity and healing to the lives of others.
Over the years I have created oracle decks, recycled slow fashion garments and affirmation art to help spread more love in the world.
I’d like to think that having a session with me is like sitting down with a really trusted friend who always has your best interests at heart.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing people start to live a life that feels supportive and nourishing for them.
My approach:
I believe you can be “spiritual” in jeans and a t shirt.
I know that you already have the answers to your questions.
It’s called soul guidance.
Soul guidance isn’t always easy to hear. At first you might not be able to hear it, or like what it’s telling you to do, but it is always there.
It’s my job to get you really good at listening for the guidance, and to be brave enough to do something about it.
Because when you do the possibilities for your life are limitless.
I like thinking about people, the world and life.
I’m a Reiki Master with a degree in Psychology.
I’m also a trained intuitive channeller, and since I was a little girl I have received information about those around me.
For my entire life I have had a strong intuitive connection with my soul.
I haven’t always been sensible enough to listen to my intuition, but I certainly grew as a person as a result.
To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who has followed the guidance of their soul EVERY time they heard it.
And that’s ok, because life is a journey.
We are always striving, always learning and always growing closer to our inner spirit.
When we fall we pick ourselves up with a gentle embrace and an honest chat.
Then we move forward and know that we can do things better next time.
I’m all about trusting the Universe.
I know that we are constantly and consistently supported by it and all it’s worker bees.
Tapping into this trust allows us to live life in a way that gives us freedom, possibility and love.
I get really excited about helping people trust in their soul and the Universe.
I’d really love the opportunity to go on that journey with you.
Erin x

“My first Reiki healing was an enlightening experience that gave me a much needed sense of clarity. It was the first time in months I was able to connect fully to my soul and start to gain perspective on what I truly needed. Erin was extremely intuitive and her insights were unbelievably accurate. I look forward to the next healing session.”
Sarah, Reiki client