Three of Cups

The immediate saying that came to my mind when this card came out was, “There’s plenty more where that came from.” – and I mean that in a good way.

This month you are being encouraged to deepen your faith so that you are able to live from a place grounded in love and not fear.

When you experience chaos outside of yourself it can be tempting to want to hold onto all you’ve got for dear life.

Clutching your possessions under your arm for fear of them being taken away from you.

The Three of Cups is here to remind you that there is always abundance and supply, and whilst you might not be sure where it will materialise from, there is plenty more to come. 

Set the wheels of abundance in motion by taking some time to reflect upon all the goodness you already have in your life.

That might be an abundance of friendships, of support or love.

It might be the roof you have over your head to keep your family safe and warm.

Maybe for you abundance comes in the form of space and time to consider what you really want.

However you perceive abundance in your life, by consciously acknowledging it and aligning yourself with the frequency of it, you are welcoming more of that flow into your life. 

Often you might want to know where this next level of support and abundance is coming from.

A pretty normal thing!

However when you get too busy in your mind trying to figure out the details you can unknowingly drop yourself out of the frequency of flow and halt that energy of creation in your life.

Instead, consistently remind yourself of all the good you already have.

No matter how big or small.

This gives that creative genius within you the space and permission to start creating miracles in your life.

And what is a miracle?

A miracle is an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.

In other words, a miracle is a wonderful outcome for you that you could not have conceived through your logical human mind.

It involves faith and trust, and a willingness to not have all the answers in your head.

It requires an ability to hold hope and believe that you are deserving of good things.

Miracles come when you let go and let Spirit lead the way. 

Tune into the energy of the Three of Cups this month and trust that a bountiful result is headed your way.


Card: The Morgan Greer Tarot Deck

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