
Where would you like to go, dear one?

What does your heart crave, that you’ve been longing to do?

February is a beautiful month to explore these ideas further and take steps towards realising these dreams.

Sometimes adventure can seem like such a big, uncertain word, as if there will be many trials and tribulations along the way.

When in fact, the most magical thing about an adventure is that you are guaranteed to be blessed with new, unknown gifts along your journey.

It’s all a matter of perception.

Do you view everything that happens in your life as happening “to you”, or do you view the events and situations as opportunities to step in a learn something deeper about yourself?

This is the beauty of the adventure.

You trust that whatever you encounter along the way will provide you with an experience, and you get to choose what that experience feels like.

Do you allow yourself to surrender and flow?

Or do you resist and try to cling on to the edge of what was for fear of what lays ahead?

You are being encouraged this month to step into the adventure, to listen to your heart and to be brave enough to try something you’ve never done before.

This might come in the form of a new place to visit, or a new journey to take.

It may also come in the form of a new way of being – choosing to think differently and to view the unfolding of your life as a divinely guided and perfectly timed.

What if you just allowed yourself to trust?

What if you gave yourself permission to believe that everything in your life that was occurring right now was here as some form of a gift?

You get to choose.

Choose your own adventure and start living your life with more freedom and joy.

For when you believe that your life is a gift you start to say “yes” more to living it and cling less to the belief that there’s something you need to resist.

Be brave, allow yourself to expand and start going after those things you’ve always wanted for yourself.

Yes, it IS possible, and yes you DO deserve it.

Happy adventuring.


Card deck: Nature’s Whispers by Angela Hartfield, Artwork by Josephine Wall

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