Archangel Sandalphon:
“Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations, and environments.”
You might find yourself feeling strung out and stressed without having a clear reason or understanding around why that is happening.
It is incredibly useful in these moments, when things feel unbalanced but you don’t know why, to take a look at your external surroundings for clues.
Your external world plays a vital role in the health and wellbeing of your internal world.
Take a moment to reflect –
Having you been watching the news, reading the paper, or rabbit hole scrolling through Facebook a little more than usual?
Have you been feeling yourself get drawn into the emotional drama of work colleagues, family and friends?
This can happen from time to time, and to be honest I think it’s a fairly normal part of life.
It’s important though to stem the flow when things start to have a real impact on the way you are feeling about your life on a day to day level.
When that non descript anxiety, restlessness or confusion kicks in it’s a great indicator and reminder to get yourself into nature, find yourself some calm and truly give yourself an opportunity to unwind.
Your caring heart is such a gift to those around you but it is your job to make sure that you keep that heart healthy and full of love.
If you are constantly taking on the worries and concerns of those around you, or trying to fix situations that are out of your control you begin to wear away your own resources for the sake of someone else.
This isn’t how you were designed. We each came here a perfect and complete unit, and when in true balance and harmony we can share freely the love that we have in our hearts.
It isn’t your job to fix anyone else. Nor is it anyone else’s job to fix you.
Your role in this life is to first and foremost look after you.
And by consciously surrounding yourself with the things you need to exist in a state of love you are automatically becoming a better support person to those you care about.
By doing this you are filling up your reserves so that you can be a beacon of hope, possibility and love for others.
Don’t feel that you need to apologise for taking time out for yourself to recharge.
In fact, it is vital that you do so.
Taking time now to support yourself is a win win for everyone in your life.
So the message this month is clear.
Take some time to do a mental stocktake of the areas in your life where the external situations, people and environments are less than ideal and make a commitment to give them a break.
Just for a little bit.
So you can top yourself up and bounce back into the loving, energy filled being that you know you can be.
Always with love,
(Card deck: Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)