
“Start a project related to something you’re curious about.”

The unicorns might be mistaken for being viewed as childlike, or too fantastical, but in truth the unicorns are succinct and clear guides.

Stripping things back so that we can breathe a little more.

The Curiosity card is asking you to hone in on an aspect of yourself that is waiting to be explored.

You might be feeling a little like you know there’s something else for you out there but you don’t know what it is. Or perhaps you do know what it is but the process of actually getting there seems overwhelming and impossible.

Magick is the trade of the unicorns and they are here to remind you that anything is possible.

Instead of deflating yourself with the reasons why something isn’t possible, or why your direction can’t be found, start putting some of your energy into playful curiosity.

I like to refer to it as following the thread.

Start by taking something that could possibly, maybe, perhaps be something that you could be interested in and make one move forward.

Research it a little, ask someone who is already involved in that area some questions about it. Then take one more step forward, and one more…

Make it your intention this month to be as curious as you can be about those things that you’ve always wanted to know more about.

How could you transition from the job you’re in now to something more aligned with your spirit?

What would it actually take to make that overseas trip a reality?

In what ways could you bring new friends or potential partners into your life?

If there is an area of your life that has a little question mark floating over the top of it then start there.

Maybe it all has question marks, or you can’t see where the question marks are. Perfect! You can start anywhere you like!!

Just follow the thread.

You can be sure that the thread is laced with the magick of the unicorns.

The more you pull on it the more seemingly coincidental and wonderful things you will find.

While you’re working with the energy of the unicorns this month you might find a little extra play sneaking into your life as well.

These beings of light come from a realm very different to ours, where the societal dogma around life having to be hard doesn’t apply.

Be open to what they have to offer you and see what surprises are in store!

With love


(Card deck: Magical Unicorn Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue)

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