Hello lovely soul,
I sat for quite some time before receiving guidance about which card deck to use for November’s message.
The Earth Magic deck came through and my feelings were mixed. I’m a very visual person and there are some images in this deck that I absolutely adore and others that I don’t resonate with at all.
However, this deck contains possibly my all-time favourite image out of all the decks I own, and I own a lot of decks! For a long time this card sat on my desk so that I could look at it every day and connect with the guidance and wisdom it held for me.
Knowing I had been guided to this deck I trusted that our message was contained within. I shuffled the deck as I usually do and created the intention for our month but something felt disconnected. The cards weren’t confidently presenting themselves and the energy felt a little quiet. So I checked the deck and many of the cards were upside down, I ordered them and settled them back in the deck. This time as I shuffled I kept thinking about how special this particular card was to me and how much joy and power it holds.
You can guess what I’m about to say next, right?
A card flew out of the deck.
Before I turned it over I made my mental agreement with the card that yes, it would be the card for our monthly message, and whatever it was I knew that spirit had guidance within it for us.
And so here it is, by divine intervention, guidance and the power of my own manifestation – my favourite oracle card, and our card for this month of November…
May you receive it with love,
Erin x