Hello lovely soul

I’m not sure where in the world you are reading this, but where I am it has been really cold! Cold weather is not my strength but I’ve been embracing it with an extra appreciation for all that we have to keep us warm and healthy.

We’re officially moving into the second half of the year and it feels to me that now’s the time when things start to fall a little more into place.

Enjoy the month ahead, 

Erin x


We create our world.

It’s the message that’s coming through loud and clear this month, and if you’ve followed my work for a little while you’ll know that it’s what I’m all about.

We have the power to give, the power to take, and the choice is ours alone.

Spiderwoman comes to us today to remind us that the web is strong.

She has woven her way across this planet and thus we are all connected and one.

In Native American legend Spiderwoman is the ultimate creator. She spun her web, created the first people, and brought the power of the sun down to the earth to give them light.

She is reminding us this month that we are all connected and one.

Every choice we make and action we take has ramifications and ripples far beyond what can be seen by the visible eye.

But truly this is a beautiful thing, for it means we can do far more, with far greater reach than we ever expected was possible.

You know how you thought you could only extend your love to those people who you could touch or hear? Not true. Science is proving this more so every day.

Your heart, filled with all it’s beautiful love, is capable of reaching the hearts of others at any point on this planet. And in truth, it can even reach those whose hearts are in this realm no more.

What an incredible thing to realise.

Now Spiderwoman wants you to know that it is time.

Time for you to spread your love out into the world in the way that only you know how.

Time for you to remember that you were sent here for a reason and part of that reason was to be a deeply loving, compassionate being who shared their love and joy with the world around them.

So in fact, what Spiderwoman is reminding us of this month is to be more in our joy.

For when we are living from a place of joy we are far more capable to spread our love and wisdom with those who need it most.

When our cup is full with the wonders of this world we naturally allow it to overflow into the cups of others.

It’s no chance that you’re reading this today.

You could have chosen not to click open.

You could have sent it straight to trash.

But something in you told you today to take the time to read this.

Something in you knew that what I had to say to you was true.

Your job here is a very simple one.

Be in your joy.

And when you feel that joy and abundance of love pour through you sprinkle it, spread it, shower it all over those that are around you.

And when you realise that there’s more of it left to go round sit in stillness for a while and set your intention with the Universe to allow your love to contribute to the greater pool of healing and love that exists for all who live on this big blue and green globe.

Take a moment to deepen your breath and repeat the following three times,

“I call upon the unconditionally loving universal energy to fill my life with love, so that I may be a fountain for others to live their life with peace and joy. Let my love be far reaching. Let my impact be great. Let my heart be so wonderfully full that it overflows. Through unconditional love, so be it.”

Carry Spiderwoman’s message with you this month and visualise her web of creation stretching right across our planet.

Please don’t ever think your impact is small, because every time you love you are growing a more peaceful and harmonious planet.

That’s pretty big stuff.


Card deck: The Oracle of the Goddess by Gayan Sylvie Winer and Jo Dose

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