Soul takeaways for September:
* Acknowledge family dynamics
* Be open to healing
* Take charge of your own happiness
* Release yourself
This month focuses a lot on the role you play in your family and the importance of healing any blocks that you may have throughout your family lineage.
Before you sigh in despair and think, “This month is not going to be possible for me”, hear me out.
We all have blocks in some form or another within our family of origin. For some of us they may be easy to identify and for others they are a little more hidden beneath the surface.
The message that is being sent to you this month is to be open to healing.
This doesn’t mean that you have to reconnect or forge false relationships, and it doesn’t mean that something has to be severely broken for you to fix it. It simply means that now is a perfect time to reflect upon the relationships, beliefs or dynamics in your family that could in some way improve.
Our families extend far beyond the immediate parent/grandparent/sibling dynamic. We have eons of ancestral family ties, not to mention those of you who have the added dynamics of a biological and adopted family. When one of those relationships is damaged, ignored or disruptive it can have huge impacts on our life.
The wonderful thing about healing relationships is that we can do so energetically and we need not have the trauma, or simply the awkwardness, of needing to involve someone else physically in the process.
When we sit in a space of love we are opening ourselves to a limitless healing and we can forgive and release anyone who is hampering that process.
Take some time this month to reflect upon your family. If you’re open enough to it and it feels right you might like to extend this thought to your ancestors as well. Look at each family member in your mind’s eye and see or feel if there is any blockage there.
Ask yourself if you are currently happy in this relationship and if not, why not?
Ask yourself what this relationship needs in order to heal.
Whilst we may not need to have active and close relationships with all members of our family, it is important that we don’t have any heavy, negative charges over them that may be impacting other areas of our life.
Trust yourself to know what you need in each situation. Don’t belittle yourself by saying you’re “being silly” or that “this can’t actually be the truth”. Trust that whatever information you are being given is to help you heal and in doing so get to a greater place of peace and closer to the divine being that you were born to be.
“Beloved one, we are asking you this month to take a leap of faith. To trust that you will always be guided and supported and that nothing we urge you to do will be in haste or without purpose. Know that you are always completely and wholly supported in your journey. Know that through opening to your healing you are expanding yourself to the Universe, and in doing so you open yourself to the limitless well of happiness that is waiting for you. We love you always and endlessly. Always with love.”
The implication of this month’s message is that there is a whole other level of joy that is waiting for you if you are willing to release yourself into it.
Be honest with yourself about your feelings towards others in your family group.
Know that there is no wrong way to feel and that all these feelings that you have once served a purpose, or perhaps still do, so they are valid, important, and worthy.
Acknowledge everything that you feel and be gentle with your thoughts.
When we open ourselves to the Universe, the angels and our loving guides; when we ask for their support in healing our family ties, we are always heard.
You never know, this process may just be the beginning of freeing yourself from a lifetime’s worth of unwanted stuff and opening you to more fulfilling, authentic, loving relationships with your family.
Why not go on a little self-exploration this month?
With love,
(Card deck: Intuitive Soul Oracle Cards by Lisa Williams)
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