Seeing this card pop out of the deck for January’s Monthly Message brought me so much joy. It is so utterly perfect. The direct meaning of the Ace of Rods from this deck is: The source and origin of spiritual strength. The seed of inspiration and creation. In most tarot decks this card would be known as the Ace of Wands, and Wands is the suit of intellect, thought, ideas and perception. The Ace of Rods is presenting you with an opportunity to reset your thoughts for the year ahead. This theme has been coming up a lot in the last couple of months as we have moved towards this new chapter in the world. Empowering yourself to take responsibility for your thoughts allows you to move out of victim mode and into creation power. Taking some time to look at the imagery of this card you see that the branch (rod) is emerging from the clouds. In other words you are moving out of a time of confusion and gaining clarity of thought. The hand has a firm grip on the branch, there is a strength and power – you have control over your thoughts, beliefs and perspectives. This knowing can be both liberating and terrifying depending on how you look at it! It can be overwhelming to feel responsible for all the thoughts and beliefs that swirl around in your mind, but at the same time this gives you all the power you need to change them! Think about your mind as a garden, perhaps it has been a little neglected and overgrown. Maybe one too many weeds have taken over and you’ve lost a sense of how the garden was supposed to be. You might like to take some time to journal things down, to look more closely at the thoughts that are driving your feelings and behaviour. Once you’ve done an assessment of the state of your garden you can begin to start the weeding process, gently and lovingly removing any of those weeds (unhelpful thoughts) that you no longer wish to have there. As you clear out those old thoughts begin to plant in new ones. These are the flowers you want to thrive in your mind garden. Curate your garden with the most life affirming, self loving, joy bringing thoughts you can imagine. I am loved. I am enough. Life is beautiful. I find joy everywhere I go. You are the creator and you deserve to have the most beautiful life. Grab hold of that branch and emerge from the clouds with clarity and strength. You’ve got this! xx Card deck: The Morgan Greer Tarot |